There’s nothing like feeling organized for back-to-school season. Set your students, and your whole family, up for success with some tips for an easy transition from a summer schedule to a school schedule.
When you’re getting school supplies, get an extra pocket folder and label it “Important Papers”, for each child. Keep it in their backpack and instruct them to put notes from teachers, hand-outs and things you need to sign in there.
Teach your child to start taking care of their own school business by having them pick out tomorrow’s clothes for school every evening. Teach them to make their own lunch. And teach them the habit of doing their homework immediately when they get home every day. This will make your workload easier and foster independence.
Add hooks to the wall near the door for backpacks and jackets. Designate a space on your bookshelf for school library books so they won’t get lost. Hang a shoe organizer on the back of a bedroom door and fill the pockets with extra school supplies so kids can help themselves when needed.